/*global tarteaucitron */ tarteaucitron.lang = { "adblock": "Hello! This site is transparent and lets you chose the 3rd party services you want to allow.", "adblock_call": "Please disable your adblocker to start customizing.", "reload": "Refresh the page", "alertBigScroll": "By continuing to scroll,", "alertBigClick": "If you continue to browse this website,", "alertBig": "you are allowing all third-party services", "alertBigPrivacy": "This site uses cookies and gives you control over what you want to activate", "alertSmall": "Manage services", "personalize": "Personalize", "acceptAll": "OK, accept all", "close": "Close", "privacyUrl": "Privacy policy", "all": "Preference for all services", "info": "Protecting your privacy", "disclaimer": "By allowing these third party services, you accept their cookies and the use of tracking technologies necessary for their proper functioning.", "allow": "Allow", "deny": "Deny", "noCookie": "This service does not use cookie.", "useCookie": "This service can install", "useCookieCurrent": "This service has installed", "useNoCookie": "This service has not installed any cookie.", "more": "Read more", "source": "View the official website", "credit": "Cookies manager by tarteaucitron.js", "toggleInfoBox": "Show/hide informations about cookie storage", "title": "Cookies management panel", "cookieDetail": "Cookie detail for", "ourSite": "on our site", "newWindow": "(new window)", "allowAll": "Allow all cookies", "denyAll": "Deny all cookies", "fallback": "is disabled.", "ads": { "title": "Advertising network", "details": "Ad networks can generate revenue by selling advertising space on the site." }, "analytic": { "title": "Audience measurement", "details": "The audience measurement services used to generate useful statistics attendance to improve the site." }, "social": { "title": "Social networks", "details": "Social networks can improve the usability of the site and help to promote it via the shares." }, "video": { "title": "Videos", "details": "Video sharing services help to add rich media on the site and increase its visibility." }, "comment": { "title": "Comments", "details": "Comments managers facilitate the filing of comments and fight against spam." }, "support": { "title": "Support", "details": "Support services allow you to get in touch with the site team and help to improve it." }, "api": { "title": "APIs", "details": "APIs are used to load scripts: geolocation, search engines, translations, ..." }, "other": { "title": "Other", "details": "Services to display web content." } };